*Kindle Offer* Mick Donnellan’s Novel “Fisherman’s Blues” Available for Free This Weekend Only on Amazon.

Renowned Irish Playwright and Screenwriter 

Mick Donnellan

 announces that his novel,

 Fisherman’s Blues

 is available for 

**free on Amazon for this week only. **

This limited-time offer provides readers with the opportunity to delve into an outstanding work that showcases Donnellan’s distinctive voice and storytelling prowess.

“Fisherman’s Blues” is a vivid and compelling narrative that explores the intertwined lives of drinkers, lovers, thieves, and scam artists. At the heart of the story are three unlikely friends whose chaotic quest to rescue their missing girlfriends inadvertently disrupts a major criminal operation. Infused with a touch of magical realism, the novel is a breath-taking rollercoaster that offers an unforgettable reading experience from a uniquely Irish perspective.

Critics have praised “Fisherman’s Blues” for its fresh language and vivid descriptions, hallmarks of Donnellan’s signature style. The novel stands out not only for its engaging plot but also for its rich, atmospheric portrayal of Irish life and culture.

Mick Donnellan is celebrated for his work in theatre and film, and “Fisherman’s Blues”  cements his reputation as a novelist of remarkable talent. His previous works have captivated audiences with their authentic dialogue and intricate character development, and this novel is no exception.

Don’t miss this chance to download “Fisherman’s Blues” for free on Amazon this week and experience the magic of Mick Donnellan’s storytelling.

And: You can check out Mick’s other novels here:

El Niño (2012)

Mokusatsu (2019)

Tales from the Heart – a collection of creative writing from the students of AIT (2019)

The Naked Flame (2022)

The Dead Soup (2023)

Buythebook.ie lists Mick Donnellan’s most popular novels.

“…Buy the Book is an Irish owned marketplace for authors to sell their books directly to their readers.

We are passionate about promoting Irish Authors and creating a community to share ideas and support one another…”

Click each image below for a deal on your next read 🙂

Mick Donnellan’s Novels Live for “Read an Ebook Week” on Smashwords.

Hello, Readers!

Today sees the beginning  of “Read an Ebook Week” – a week that encourages readers to pick up the digital device of their choice and download a new book to read.

To help you find a book to celebrate, you can find Mick Donnellan’s entire collection at a promotional price on Smashwords from March 3 – March 9.

Simply click and chose your Mick Donnellan title here: https://www.smashwords.com/books/search?query=Mick+Donnellan

This is a chance to get my books, along with books from many other great authors, at a discount so you can get right to reading.

If you are taking part in promoting this celebration of Ebooks and reading, please feel free to share this promo with your friends and family.

Just forward this post to anyone who would love a chance to find their next favourite title, and, as the name suggests, read an ebook!

You can also use the Social Media Icons below to share.

Thank you for your help and support, and don’t forget to leave a review when finished 😊

Happy reading,
